The web comic that has only one strip!


Tired of webcomics going on hiatus?
Sick of authors refusing to let a good thing die an honorable death?
Can’t stand waiting for the next installment of your favorite series?

All of these problems and more do not, and will not ever apply to this web comic.
The ONE STRIP WEB COMIC has only one page. It ends just as soon as it begins.

Has anyone else ever done this before intentionally?
IDK, probably, but it can still be funny to do it again.

Is this just a cynical jab at webcomics as a medium?
Are there not 100’s of struggling, passionate artists who do the often thankless job of creating free and easily accessable entertainment?
Is this not an insult to them and their artistic visions?
I mean, I’d say no but I guess you have to judge it for yourself devoid of context.

About the author

Eyes weathered by the harshest of life’s challenges and wetted by only its most moving scenes.
Commits acts against their fellow man that carry the death sentence in a dozen U.N. member states.
Exclusively cooks with butter.

This is the only surviving photograph:
About Me